Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday-Cassy visits Arkansas

 Chief Angel Cassy Sims from Georgia came out for a visit. Here she is in the Hope Garden outside the MRI facility.
 Cassy observes the nurses and APNs as they care for Deb.

 APN Peggy warns Vern to take a good photo if I take one at all. She altered some of Deb's meds today to make life better.

Nurse Cathy draws labs from Deb's PIC lines

Deb was greeted by a classmate who had just returned to campus after a short visit home.

Tomorrow Cassy is escorting Deb and Vern gets a day off! Hurray! Today Cassy got the full tour of the facility so she now knows the ropes. Hopefully, it will be a simple day with mostly labs. Next week we approach the chemo leading up to the Natural Killer Cell transplant.

Hope you have a great weekend! It has been down in the high 40's each morning this week. Sure beats that 100 plus weather. "I can fell fall in the air."

1 comment:

  1. So nice to see Cassy's smiling face - I'm sure her visit was a boost! Praying the new med adjustment gives Deb a better day tomorrow...
