Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday-3 docs, 6 nurses, and a bag of platelets!

Ever wonder what student doctors and nurses study? These titles are what they study out here. Every now and then I run into the medical school bookstore for a small item and enjoy perusing their texts. Everything you want to know about your Gizzard!

Deb was a busy gal today. She went into the clinic at 08:30 am and got labs pulled. Monday mornings are always 'needle day.' They draw all sorts of tubes of blood looking for infections among the clinic population.

At 10 am we had to go to the eighth floor to see Dr van Rhee. We saw his assistant and three nurses in getting Deb ready for the Natural Killer Cell test. Tomorrow she actually signs the papers.

Dr van Rhee made his final physical and medical test evaluation of Deb's condition and determined that she is qualified for the Natural Killer Cell test program. He and another doctor, along with a team of research nurses all had a strong look at Deb's test results. 

We left Dr van Rhee and had a bite of lunch. Then off to the spine center and an appointment with the ENT. Because Deb's cheeks and throat had such extreme swelling a few days ago and her ears almost swelled closed, the myeloma APN wanted another set of eyeballs to check Deb out. The doc there thought the meds and protocol that the myeloma clinic was using was appropriate. So, back to the clinic for the platelets that had been ordered. Several hours later, platelets and infusers in hand, we headed home via the nearby Kroger. Deb had an overwhelming  desire for some of my famous fish. Fish cooked and eaten, infusers hooked up, she fell asleep. Sleep tight Debs, until the 8:30 appointment in the morning. It's her favorite: a bone marrow exam!

By the way, some of you have sent cards to the Markham House. We now have our own condo now and do not stay at the Markham house anymore, although we recommend it to classmates. They forward mail to us. If you need either our Little Rock or Georgia addresses, send an email requesting it to:  vern   @

We are security minded.

Blessings all!

1 comment:

  1. WOW those sweet cheeks look so much better. I will prayer extra hard tomorrow about Deb's test. It is not a fun one.
    Blessings and prayers,
