Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Weds-Labs and infusers-Not feeling so good

Deb and Peggy, the APN for the day, commiserate about how life is for each of them. Peggy is very artsy and she and Deb take care of their health concerns, then talk arts and crafts. Its a good diversion for both of them!

Deb has the right side jowl swollen. We have been told it is her lower salivary glads. She is to chew gum to work the gland. It also makes Deb want cold food and drink. Tonight she wanted a cold tuna salad.

Deb has had a low-grade fever most of the day. We came home with infusers of antibiotics again. Of course, these tear up her gut.

So, she doesn't feel good and has mostly laid around all afternoon after we got home from the clinic.

We've met some new Georgia classmates who are long-term friends of several of our friends. Welcome Joe and Cornelia! Looking forward to a lasting friendship!

Regarding LWC, after I got Deb lunch and settled down at the condo, I had an appointment with the insurance adjuster and got LWC to a repair shop and got a rental car until LWC is 'well.'

Tomorrow is like today-9 am in the clinic!

Blessings all!

1 comment:

  1. DEB & Vern,
    WE are thinking of you with much love,
    David & Linda
