Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Weds-A long day in the clinic

We went in clinic at 9 am and came out about 4 pm. Deb had multiple IVs and we brought home a large sack of infusers and pills.

Nadine, our APN, explained to Deb a phenomena she has been experiencing: a hard time swallowing. Seems like the chemo causes the lining of the throat, stomach, and intestines to slough off. Some of this matter blocks the esophagus and causes it to be hard for Deb to swallow. Unfortunately, she is having to take some genuine 'horse pills' every six hours! She is having the hardest time getting them down! 

Deb had to have a unit of blood today. Her white blood count was 0.1 so she is definitely netrapenic. The antibiotics continue.

We go in Thursday at 8 am because she is getting IVIG, a blood-product like med that boosts one's immune system. It takes 3-6 hours, depending on how one reacts to it. Some people have a very hard time taking it. We see Dr van Rhee when that is done.  

Tonight the bandage that covers the PICC line in her arm is looking funky even though it was recently changed. The skin under there is looking funky also. That's a medical term that means 'funky.'

It could be the source of Deb's infection that has been causing her CRP to rise and may need some attention tomorrow. I wrapped it in a flexible bandage to help Deb get thru the night.

Tonight we have infusers going. The next one gets changed at 2 am.   

We got a text from Trey who had boarded an almost full plane back to Brussels. Sure was fun having him around.

Deb was very hungry when we got home and craved Vern's famous Tilapia. So, nothing would do but to go to the grocery and get some fresh fish. She was delighted and there is enough left in the frig for her breakfast- a favorite breakfast item for her-cold Tilapia!

We are very tired so we are heading to bed a little early so we can do the 2 am thing.

 Deb thinks she has sprung a little fever, so I have to go and dig up some Tylenol, unless it goes over 101 degrees when the staff wants to know.

Just another day in Arkansas!

Blessings all!


  1. Continuing to pray. Love to both of you! Mary

  2. Thank you for the updates and pictures. I'm continuing to pray! Bettina

  3. Hi Deb and Vern,
    Thanks for keeping us informed. We are praying without ceasing. Perhaps you could share your famous tilapia recipe. Although, I don't think I could eat it cold for breakfast. That reminds me of my dad who like canned salmon mixed with eggs, then scrambled for breakfast. (Smells like cat food to me.)
    Prayers all around,
    Love, Bruce & Daria

  4. HI, Vern & Deb.
    I heard from Chuck that Trey was in town, but didn't get to connect with him the evening he was over at Chuck's (one of those evening meeting conflicts). I loved the photos y'all took while at Callaway, one of our favorite spots, too. It is wonderful to see you two as grandparents watching the little ones 'soaking in the wonders' of butterflies abounding, swirling, and alighting everywhere!

    I have been battling a gum virus (we think) for the past week, so related well to your mashed potatoes WITH mashed vegetables entree---sounded really delicious to me! You have a great way of capturing the small details of life, embracing and enjoying them, where so many times I/we can run so fast as to miss the joys that are right in front of us.

    Praying that this week's yuck-o-meter readings are significantly lowered, dear friends.


    Mike and Jorie
