Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday's three ring circus

Amanda met with Dr van Rhee and his APN Kristen today up on the eighth floor of the Rockefeller Center to get enrolled in the experimental program to infuse Deb with Amanda's Killer Cells. Amanda had a physical and finally got her patient number at UAMS so things could proceed. There were meetings with the various Research nurses who monitor and manage the test program.

Dr van Rhee went over all risk factors that Amanda might face. Amanda asked her questions and signed the forms.

Amanda had to fill all twenty of these vials with blood down on the first floor for the qualification testing which will take three days to get results. The yellow ones are specific to special tests Dr van Rhee needs.

Meanwhile, 'back at the ranch', Deb was in a chemo chair on the fourth floor getting tested and evaluated for her complex state of health. APNs poked and prodded her. Deb had spent another miserable night with heavy coughing and wheezing. We had made salt water gargles, honey and lime water, etc trying to bring relief. Her lungs hurt so much I finally poured a new bag of brown rice into a clean sock which was microwaved to heat it. The heat gave Deb much relief. She slept on a sloping set of pillows. Changing infusers and Deb's discomfort made for another poor night's sleep for us.

Deb's numbers came up a lot today. The APN's think that because her white blood count has come up extremely fast and because she had some infections in her, the active white cells strongly attacked the infections in her lungs and caused the battle in her lungs. Remember though, that pneumonia is a lung thing! Deb has had many pneumonias. Bottom line: Most likely Deb's pain and coughs are caused by the rapid explosion in numbers and strength of her new white blood cells. But just in case, she came home with lung treatments and a few antibiotic infusers. We can't be too careful!

As caregiver to these two ladies today, 'ole Vern was up and down everywhere trying to get the ladies where and what they needed. To add to the confusion, today was day one that the eighth floor offices were opened. Folks were still unpacking up there.

The head of the whole shebang, Dr Barlogie walked thru and I congratulated him for a wonderful new facility and program. He is world renowned in the research for myeloma treatments. He went to Spain and back over the weekend to speak at a conference.

The new eighth floor myeloma clinic is a thing of beauty! This photo does not do it justice!

Because of the excitement Deb's condition caused, we had a late afternoon CT Scan of her lungs and throat. No results yet.

For all this to work, Dr van Rhee said it is imperative to protect Deb from any viral infections. Therefore, she will be treated in a private room from now on.

Tomorrow, 9 am for more fun in the clinic!


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