Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Weds-ParaInfluenza-III, Israel, Aphereisis

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Deb's line which is re-bandaged weekly. The infusers hook into the two lines. Deb also has port in her chest wall when needed.
ParaInfluenza-III.  Yep-that's an additional malady Deb has contracted. She was ushered into a private closed-door isolation treatment room. The nurse wore a 'zoot-suit' during all treatment. Estimated lifespan of this virus:ten days.

Fortunately, that ten day period should not interfere with Deb's next round of chemo which will prep her for the Oct 4th infusion of Amanda's expanded cells. That's the nurses opinion. We haven't heard from Dr van Rhee yet. He had urged Deb to be so careful not to catch anything; as if she controls that!

This morning we went into the clinic at 9 am. Amanda went up to the MIRT clinic on the 8th floor. Deb went into the Myeloma Infusion Center and was placed in a private treatment room. The staff tries so hard to not let this bug spread although there are many reported cases. There are only so many private treatment rooms.

Deb's platelets were below the limit and were ordered early in the day but will not be available until tomorrow morning. After we left the clinic the APN consulted with a virologist who recommended a new antibiotic and chewing gum. Yes, Deb has a doctor-recommended habit-chew lots of gum to exercise her jaw muscles to perhaps begin to ease the swelling in her face. The infusers will go tonight.

Since 'ole Vern was covering two patients on two floors, it made for some rapid movements. When Amanda came out of her first appointment, she joined me just as our classmate Israel walked in  accompanied by Chris, the Markham House driver. We greeted one another and then we got caught up with Israel's myeloma progress. He has come out of remission and is re-entering treatment. When I initially introduced Amanda to him she typically held out her hand to shake his when she abruptly withdrew her hand and apologized to him: Orthodox Jewish men are not allowed to touch a non-family women. Israel complimented Amanda for having that knowledge. We had a good visit then Amanda had to get to Aphereisis. That was clear across campus so I took her there. More paperwork, more bar-code labels. This whole place runs on labels and bar codes!

The staff briefed Amanda on possible risk factors. They gave her a tour and showed her where she would spend Friday morning. After Amanda gets a line installed in her neck, she immediately heads to Aphereisis. Then the blood products will be sent to Dr van Rhee 's lab for prep before being sent to Baylor for expansion. On Oct 4th Deb will have been prepared via chemo to receive the enhanced cells.
The Barrins-He is Natural Killer Cell test number one and doing great!

Deb will be number 7 to go through this test. Today Amanda met and had a 10 minute chat with the first man to have this test program. He was back for checkup and is doing well and taking no cancer meds! He was extremely encouraging to Amanda about her mom's possibilities. May it be the same with Deb!
Amanda saw the V for victory as she peered up at the Rockefeller Center Structure


  1. I am so sorry that Deb is sick. Will pray for strength and healing. It is so encouraging to see the #1 guy so happy and healthy!

  2. The Lord has guided you and Deb all your life's and he has his arms around you now. We all pray for this treatment to heal Deb. We will think no other way.

  3. We continue to pray for complete healing for Deb!! How encouraging to see the man who is doing so well after the killer cell treatment! Praise God! We are praying for Amanda as she goes through the process of helping her mom and for you Vern as you minister to two of the most important women in your life! We know it isn't easy on any of you. Thank you for continuing to keep us informed of Deb's progress. We pray this virus will not last long. Mark and Joy
