Thursday, September 20, 2012


Deb had her normal 9 am infusion center visit complete with labs. Her arm PIC line has been acting up and sometimes the nurses need to give it a 'roto-rooter' treatment to keep the line flowing. Deb has really been feeling puny and thinks it is due to one of her meds. Tomorrow she is going to ask for a reduction in it to see if life improves.

While we were waiting today, Israel wandered over for a visit. He is having liver troubles and came from NYC for a one day checkup and is having to stay indefinitely. Welcome to myeloma! Israel always has a book with him and normally sits alone and reads. He had a different book today and I asked him what is was since the cover was printed in Hebrew. He said 'The Psalms of David.' I said I love the Psalms and read them often. His jaw dropped! He asked why would a Christian read the Psalms? I told him I read all the old testament. He could not believe it, so I quoted Psalm 1 to him in English, apologizing because I cannot do it in Hebrew. We had a nice conversation. Hopefully, to be continued!

After we left the clinic, Deb wanted something different for lunch. We headed downtown for a nice slidder lunch for Deb. Then we went to a health-food/gluten-free bakery. We picked up a collection of goodies for Deb. We also try to make an occasional smoothie at home out of organic components. We are very aware of the importance of proper nutritional support. We can't always get it, but we try!

Tomorrow Deb gets a lung treatment to help prevent pneumonia. Then we have the labs in the clinic. We may have a visitor coming into town, so more on that tomorrow if it happens.


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