Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday night-getting better!

We had labs in the room this morning and after breakfast I began washing the dishes in the kitchen sink. For the third time since we've lived here the kitchen sink and both bathroom sinks backed up and filled up with yuck. Yuck! Here I am trying to keep Deb with her pneumonia away from all things germ and suddenly we were attacked by the germ squad! Not yet having bathed/shaved, I helped Deb dress and get to the clinic while the staff called out a plumber. We headed into the clinic greeting our friendly nurses and classmates expecting to have the plumbing fixed and the room cleaned by the time we returned. How wrong we were.

Labs showed that the numbers were improving and Deb's feeler said the new anti-biotic was really doing a good job after using the other one 12 days.

When we got home, the plumber was still plumbing and Deb was on her last legs as well as starving. The front office got us another room for Deb to crash in while I used car-angels GM to pick up Deb's cravings. She had several lists of things that she had to have. In an hour or so I returned with the must-haves and by then the plumber was gone and the maid had cleaned up. Since killing germs is so critical, I then re-sanitized the areas just to be double sure.

Then the food angels arrived with a beautiful supper meal which we enjoyed so much. Thanks food angels!

A concern is that in Deb's tummy where she has had repeated growth factor shots, an internal round knot about one inch has formed. We must get it checked out.

On another note, our pharmacists have been so central in Deb's care. Carla has stood out in being concerned and helpful to us. She's determined to get the insurance approvals and meds Deb needs. Thanks Carla!
The Wyatt Earp quote on the wall behind her is interesting. "Fast is nice, but accuracy is everything."

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