Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday-pneumonia again

We see the doc in an hour. Chances of coming home tomorrow seem slim as the APN just gave us the cat scan report showing some pneumonia. The sample was sent to a specialty lab in Utah and will take up to a week to ID.

Deb has been resting and got a liter of saline. We are going home with four infusers. We also are getting a lung exercise device. More after we see the doc.


Dr Nair says get tests,change meds,come back Monday. So,we are back in the cancer center again.

We really wanted to come home tomorrow but are glad to stay here until Deb is in better shape.


  1. Deb and Vern: Y'all are over the hill. Just get the tests and meds done next week, and then you will be free. I am cheering you on and praying that Jesus will continue to show you His PEACE, LOVE, and CARE and that Deb is feeling better.

    Love in Christ, Deb Cook

  2. Hi Deb and Vern,
    Not the dreaded "pn" word again (pneumonia). Well, this time we are going to send it on its way in a hurry. As I pray, I am visualizing a broom sweeping all the "pn" germs out of all the nooks and crannies in your lungs. Gonna get 'em all out so you two can come home real soon.
    ♥Bruce & Daria

  3. Keep getting We are cheering you on.
    We miss you, and can't wait to celebrate Thanksgiving with you next week.

  4. Deb & Vern, We are thinking about with much love.
    David & Linda
