Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday evening

Evelyn is packing for her December visit to Georgia. We can't wait!

Today Deb had a nice visit with Beth Jones Sterne from Va. Beth went to college with Deb at Valdosta State and lived next door to her when they were both new teachers. She and her husband Steve were part of the Dr and Mrs Owens gang. We were guardians of each others kids in case of disaster.

Vern headed back to work and was welcomed back by the associates.

That mundane life is very good!


  1. Oh! to hold that precious little one soon! It will be glorious!
    Glad you two are enjoying the 'mundane'.
    Nope, not peeled any lettuce lately...not ever!
    Enjoy your salads, and your visits!
    Love, hugs,& prayers, Em

  2. What a doll! I know you can't wait to see both girls together....What a treat....

    Your mention of the mundane reminds me of the "Normal Day" poem. Do you know it?

    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.....etc.
    Good reminder for all of us!

