Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday evening

Just got home...Deb is doing better. Still had to wheel chair her there and back. Got done with the chemo bag 24/7 saline and magnesium. Traded it for a smaller, lighter 5 hour infuser which is about the size and weight of a large baby bottle vs a concrete block. Drug a concrete block around lately? Then we have more infusers for antibiotics. I can change these close-to-the-heart devices in the middle of the night with only one eye open. Remember months ago when I confessed how scary they were to me?

Deb has gone two days without blood products. The labs show that she is just barely beginning to make her own red,white, and platelets. She is still very vulnerable.

In the waiting room Deb attempted to strike up a conversation with our classmates sitting with us. Deb could not understand their reply because they are an Italian couple.

Before we went in this morning, our friends loaned us a car so I could go to the oldest restaurant in Arkansas, Franke's, founded in 1919. Deb was craving turkey and dressing which I cannot cook with apartment limitations even if I knew how. Maybe someday! We ate half for lunch and the other half is our supper tonight.

There was a antique Cadillac in the parking lot. Cars used to be so distinctive and pretty. Now they all look about the same to me. Guess I've joined the codger generation.

Deb has a very dry mouth and speaks with a lisp. Today I picked up a med the nurses call 'spit in a tube.' Want some? Those nurses have lot's of terms for the stuff they deal with! Gotta watch out for them!


  1. I think I'll pass on the 'spit in a tube'... Thanks anyway. Glad today was better. Hang in there dear friends. Yes, turkey & dressing sounds very good!
    I think we should start calling you Dr. Darley, Vern. Thanks for taking such good care of Deb. Sending love, hugs, & prayers to you both, Em...also codger generation

  2. Dear Codger & Deb, ( From one Codger to another)
    Glad today was better. Turkey and Dressings....getting a head start on Thanksgivng....We are so Thankful for all the work you are doing and the healing that is taking place!
    Blessings and Love, David & Linda

  3. Wow, guys, it was SO GOOD to hear that things are a bit better. Some of us that were away together over the weekend had a time of praying together for the two of you. We are grateful for the care you are receiving, but so sorry that the struggle involves so much pain. Glad you had a Thanksgiving preview meal, and even happier that Deb wanted to eat it. Hugs and continued prayers to Dr. Codger and Deb, jan.... and I'll pass on the "spit in a tube" as well. We MISS YOU!!!

  4. Glad to hear things are looking up. The turkey and dressing sounds great. I will show Dave the Cadillac. You know he loves his car.

