Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Angels-Various Specialties Serving

Today I ran downstairs towards the Pharmacy to get some meds Deb needed. Since I'm a great admirer of the piano music coming from the big Steinway in the first floor foyer, and a very talented musician was delighting many of us with her music, I stopped by to enjoy a few minutes. I introduced myself to the pianist, Laura Bednar. I asked if I could record a little for the blog. So, here is Piano Angel Laura. All I have to record with is my iPhone, so imagine how good it sounds in person.

Deb's chemo is really beginning to have an impact on her. Today I cooked fresh green beans and potatoes. She barely ate them. For supper she only wanted a milkshake {think-cool!} Not long after she finished the milk shake she went to bed.

Click on Pix to enlarge

Today Deb shared the cluster with our Turkish friend again. {Sorry-we simply cannot understand his name pronunciation}

The Rockefeller Center is named for former governor Rockefeller. I showed you his family Bible verse earlier. There is a wall mounted video display that describes the huge influence he had on Arkansas. It is fitting that this wonderful facility is named in his honor.

Here are some pix of the downstairs area after most folks had gone home today.
The Patient Center-a quiet area with computers, books, and magazines
The snack bar
The piano in the foyer
Looking toward the MRI clinic
Quotes that patients wrote on the final steel beam used in erecting the 12 story Rockefeller Center
UAMS has many opportunities to honor donors


  1. I listened to the piano clip 3 times while I took the tour of the patient center. What a blessing she is to share her God given gift with the patients and their families. Love, Mary

    1. The two of you have such a wonderful attitude. Wishing you only the best.

      I'm a patient at the Rockefeller too. I've had better luck since my last chemo in 2008, but I'm still a regular.

      A small detail - the hospital is named after Winthrop P. Rockefeller, son of Gov. Rockefeller. WPR was elected and served as Lt. Governor during the Huckabee years. Unfortunately, he lost his fight with cancer in 2006.

      Our current governor, a Democrat, said in his first election night speech that he likely wouldn't be standing there had WPR been well enough to run.
