Friday, May 11, 2012

Condo Closed! Tour

Deb waiting to be called into the infusion clinic at 7 am

Click on pix to enlarge
The day started with Deb arriving at the Chemo clinic at 7am and getting in quickly. Seats are assigned by chair clusters of four. Deb was assigned to seat A-1. By 10:30, Deb had had her tests, and received the Carfilzomib plus other drugs. Her low platelets that had caused Thursday to be such a drag for Deb had risen into the mid fifties.

We have been waiting to close on the condo for about a month. Today everything was finally ready and the Title Company was available at 11:15. We met our real estate agent and in about an hour, the condo was ours! We took Ann, our agent to lunch at Loca Luna, then Deb and I then met the furniture delivery team at the condo. Soon we had the essentials. Saturday after lunch we get the appliances.

One of Deb's angels had brought us a basket of condo essentials which we will now get to use! Thanks, angels!

Ann brought Deb a welcoming flower arrangement! Thanks Ann! Deb is a flower gal.
Flowers at Deb's front door!

The condo has a large living/dining area, two bedrooms and two baths plus a kitchen with a laundry area. There is a small fenced back yard with a small deck. There is a fireplace in the living area.

Smelling the flowers on the table

Deb's nap chair

The couch

Her own bed!

From across the street from the church parking lot
The front door and stoop
The back door 

For some time we have sought wisdom from the Lord regarding whether or not to pursue the condo. Time and time again we prayed for it to be blocked if it were not God's best for us.

Several 'co-incidences' that pointed to yes-

The realtor who showed it to us-Ann- was at a diner with a classmate who recently passed away. The classmate told Ann about us and our need. She gave our number and Ann contacted us.

Ann said the small complex was unknown to the local realtors and she only found out about it when she visited a friend who lives there.

After we signed a contract, it was found that condo financing was hindered by new regulations that would prevent any mortgages if anyone owned more than ten percent of a complex. One of the owners here in the complex of twelve owned two, thus making this development ineligible for financing. He was happy and wanted no changes. So, it looked like a dead deal.  However, the CPA who handles the mortgage company affairs was also that individual's CPA. He became interested in this situation and had a pow-wow with him, changing his mind and helping resolve this issue. What are the chances of both parties having the same pro-active CPA?

Deb just went to bed at the hotel. In spite of our progress, the condo was not ready for our first night yet. Deb is tuckered! But, is she ever happy!

Some folks have cabins at the beach. Others, in the mountains. Deb has one in Little Rock and it will make her life sooooo much better!



  1. Thanks for the tour. And coming home to her own bed after a long day of tests won't mean leaving AK and flying back to GA! And Vern, you can rustle up some tasty favorites for Debbie in your own kitchen. God is faithful! Mary

  2. Waaahoooo!! Praise and celebration! Congrats on the LR digs! Love, hugs, & prayers, Em

  3. What a great Mother's Day gift.....closing on your condo. Blessings to you both. We love you, David & Linda
