Thursday, May 24, 2012

'Puny Is as Puny Does'

Deb just described her feelings to son Trey in Belgium via phone using those words.

Deb now has thrush in the mouth and throat. She sounds raspy-voiced. She had various meds and infusers today in the chemo clinic and was sent home with an infuser hooked to her central line. It resembles a small baby bottle with a rubber bladder inflated inside it. The bladder pressurizes the liquid to be dispensed into the body. It is calibrated to maintain a specified flow over a specified time. In other words, medical magic!

Today our APN Nadine (Advanced Practice Nurse) was making rounds with a new APN to show her the ropes. Welcome aboard Diane!

They are very concerned with keeping Deb far far away from that pesky old pneumonia!

After clinic, Deb stretched out on the couch and enjoyed her Western Castle-still un-named!

Tonight Deb had a change of supper -organic slurpy from her Blentec. 

Tomorrow at 7:30 am she has more chemo clinic time and then tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night she has MRIs. At 10 am Amanda is flying in.

Busy day ahead!

1 comment:

  1. So glad Amanda will is coming. What a blessing daughters are! Mary
