Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Vern's Nature Walk Yesterday

While Deb was napping, 'ole Vern went off for a hike at a nearby park. Arkansas has on its auto tags 'the Natural State'. Little Rock is on the border between the flat rice and farms East of town, and the mountains and rivers West of town. Don't know where the Little Rock name came from , but I can tell you there are some pretty big ones here, including the next park West of the one I went to, called Pinnacle Mountain. It looks like a volcano to me!

Anyway, just 3-4 miles from the condo on the Arkansas River is Two Rivers Park. The Arkansas River and the Maumelle River merge and on the peninsula is this beautiful park which is connected to civilization by a long pedestrian/bike bridge right next to a huge interstate bridge.

Click on pix to enlarge. These shots are taken by my iPhone, as usual!

The pedestrian bridge

The Arkansas River

The interstate bridge

The Maumelle River with Pinnacle Mountain in the distance

Bikes are popular

Huge twisted vines abound

No shortage of pine trees!

This is posted Weds evening. We see the Dr tomorrow at 2 pm and hope to fly home and get there just before dark Thursday, Lord willing!

1 comment:

  1. Just might have to show the caterpillar to my students on the Smart board! Pinnacle Mountain does look like a volcano in the distance. When we were stationed in Bremerton, WA, we could see Mt. Ranier when the clouds lifted. From the pictures it looks like AK has some red clay soil to go with the pine GA. Glad you shared this with your blog followers! Love, Mary
