Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday - More Infusers and the Resulting Day

 Here's how Deb looked and felt as the day began. Not much pizazz there!

 Here's some of the meds to help her get thru the day
About that many for tonight, like last night.

 Good meds plus expert advice from our APN gets results!

 Deb's appetite came roaring back today. She wanted her favorite meal from her favorite restaurant.
Nothing for old Vern to do but take a field trip and retrieve said favorites from Loca Luna.

Alyssa,  the hostess from Loca Luna sent Deb a dessert. Thanks!

 Alyssa sends an encouraging thumbs-up greeting to Deb.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Deb. We're praying for you! Doris Dye
