Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Hard Saturday !

Deb had a very hard day. We were in clinic starting at 7:30 am until after 4 pm. She had continuous infusions of various drugs all day. She was sent home with another 24/7 bag of fluids and an infuser.  She went to bed early tonight but has been up and down with an upset tummy. She also has a mild fever and is freezing cold. I put two extra blankets on her and she is still cold.

Amanda spent the day with Deb and was tremendously encouraging. She leaves for home in the morning. We will miss her.

Deb is scheduled to start treatment again at 7:30 am for the next week. Even though Deb had MRI's of her lesions yesterday, no report was available today. Guess that's the benefit of a holiday weekend.

The hard chemo is having its terrible full impact on Deb and she is miserable. Please pray for her!


  1. Know we are praying for you both.
    We Love you.
    David & Linda

  2. I wish I could be with you. In spirit, know I am there. Love you so much, forever friend.
