Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Chemo

Deb kicks back and relaxes while enjoying her favorite chemo cocktail!

One of the nurse supervisors makes a colorful and playful display each week on her counter intended to bring a chuckle in an otherwise somber spot

Deb hit the chair a little after seven Arkansas time this Friday morning. Her labs took a while, then she got Carfilzomib. When we were done around 11:30 she was starving, so off we went to Loca Luna. Then it was nap time.

We heard from our realtor several times: still waiting for the underwriter final approval and an attorney is available for a late closing today if we get the approval.

Our church is having a retreat at Vogel State Park in North Georgia this weekend. Our aviation gang is using our hangar to host an RV fly in of about 150 folks. Here we are in Little Rock just cooling our jets!

A corny joke made it our way.   Here goes:  May the fourth be with you! (check the date if you do not get it)

More later if we get condo news!

1 comment:

  1. Keep us posted on the condo purchase! I googled Loco Luna and it looks like it would a favorite for me! Continuing to pray. Love, Mary
