Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chemo Strikes Hard!

Blood Transfusion

Sleeping-the state of the week
Hugging the nurses today-Deb is able to smile even when in pain

Tonight we closed the clinic again. Deb had some low numbers in the lab reports so she had a buffet of transfusions and pills to help her get those numbers up. She needs assistance when she walks. She sleeps most of the time. The infusion pump was taken off  and then she had to get another because she needed overnight fluids. We were given some emergency infusers in case Deb gets a high fever tonight. Pray we won't need it!

We show at 7:45 am and Deb will have to wear a mask because she is now neutrapenic and very vulnerable to germs..any germ! She only wants cottage cheese and Cherios in spite of wonderful alternatives.

Today we shared the cluster with an architect who is also a myeloma patient. He is on the advisory board here for the myeloma clinic and was asked to help design the new offices for the doctors, nurses, and staff that now resides in the Spine Center 4th and fifth floor. They will be moving to the eighth floor of the Rockefeller Building above the chemo clinic which is on the fourth floor.

The architect-Bob Kohler- lives in Fayetteville, AR (not Georgia!) Bob is one of the first testers of Carfilzomib. He has been doing very good on it.

Bob Kohler and nurse
Waiting area with doctor's exam rooms in the slanted rooms
 Bob described the philosophy of the combination of bold architecture with bold healthcare. The term Archi-therapy. Thoughts are that a stimulating environment helps a patient in dealing with a serious disease. Interesting thoughts. What do you think?

Can't wait to see it when it opens in August 2012

1 comment:

  1. You have enough somber things going on, you need something bright and alive to perk you up and keep you going. It sounds like it will be all of that and more.
    Give us a virtual tour when it opens.
    Prayers for both of you.

