It's like the enemy is trying to get Deb to loose her cool. Little irritating events have made her life less pleasant all week; nevertheless, she has responded sweetly even though she has had to pay for others' errors.
Today, the med nurse forgot to order her chemo. We had arrived at the clinic at 9:45 for a 10 am appointment. We got into the chemo chair by 10:30 and waited. And waited. And waited.
There apparently is a local football team here that folks are crazy about. Most nurses dressed in their colors today. One patient dared to wear his Alabama duds here for treatment. I think it's not wise to irritate those bearing needles!
Other nurses like Candy were more normal.{crazy?}
Deb has meds which we take at the Apartment. The Chemo lab has meds.There is the chemo given in the big chair.
Dr. Al dropped by for a visit. He is saving his vacation for his first trip home to Pakistan in seven years. He is so nice and we have become friends.
We met up with classmates Iva Jo and Bubba and had 5 minutes to compare notes. They were having insurance difficulties.
I ran down to the hospital cafeteria for a bite and saw my friend Tundee from Nigeria. He is a student and has a vision of using his construction management degree back home in Nigeria to help build the infrastructure of his nation. I once trained Nigerian pilots.
Because Deb had not been able to walk the past few days, she took special delight in taking the stairs down this morning.
While waiting in the Markham House lobby for our ride, we bumped into Steve(owner), Chris(a driver), and Cynthia(general manager). They are so kind and look after all the patients so well.
Deb, you look fantastic going down those stairs! I have a t-shirt that says "Too Hot To Be a Grandma". I will let you wear it.