Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weds evening

We went for labs at 8 am then into the clinic at at 10 am. Deb had two painful shots in her tummy and was released for home {the apartment). She spent  the day between bed and the bathroom. (That's code for one of the severe affects of the chemo)

She has hardly eaten anything. One M&M with a peanut and a sliced and peeled pear some angels sent us. Thanks pear angels! So far, that's it since morning.

Sheetrock angels invaded Deb's sun room  project back home and have about wrapped up that part of the project.  The scriptures written on the posts and pillars are now hidden to man underneath the sheet rock but we are told the Word of God will last forever. Thanks angels!

We think that Deb will have a number of bad days which will be miserable. Please pray for us to endure.

The weather here has been heavenly with morning temps in the fifties and daytime temps in the low eighties. Blue skies prevail. In flying lingo, it's 'clear and a million'. Rare days!

Deb's mother, suffering from Parkinson's disease and two broken wrists, is in limbo back in Warner Robins, Georgia. She is completing  the stay in the rehab facility but has not yet had any rehab on her broken wrists; only on leg strength so she can walk safely with her walker. Brother Tim is having to navigate the insurance, medicaid, the old assisted living facility, the new one which has a deposit on it, and limited resources. Deb and Tim talk often but Deb is not able to do anything. It's complicated and we ask prayer for wisdom and favor as we enjoy being members of the sandwich generation.

A number of classmates gathered yesterday and today to share information and encouragement. There are some wonderful brothers and sisters here going through hard times together.

Relationships are so important. I wished I had known just how important they were years ago.  An observation I've made is that I have tended to think of people as they were years ago, not as they are today. It's been as if their personalities and values were frozen in time. Duh! What a weird way I've looked at folks. I am trying to 'refresh' my thoughts about folks and see everyone as they are today. Scripture helps me with this: 'His mercies are new every morning; great is his faithfulness.'



  1. We missed you guys at group tonight. There is a hole without you. We continue to pray for you both....that the LORD would give strength and encouragement. I'm sure that Steve will send you the notes soon so that you will be up-to-date on everyone. Hugs, jan

  2. Hey Vern & Deb,
    We are lifting you up again as you enter this difficult treatment phase. You are such a blessing and encouragement to everyone. I'm glad you are part of our family and our lives.
    ♥Bruce & Daria
