Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday evening...Taller

Angel Gayle drove Deb to North Atlanta for a visit with our 20+ year sports chiropractor/podiatrist angel, Eric Widen. Eric has kept our family 'glued together' through many strains and bruises. As a result of the seven spine fractures the cancer caused in Deb's back, she has been slump-shouldered and four inches shorter. In spite of having six vertabrae repaired in Arkansas, Deb's been in continuous back pain. Well the good news is that after Dr. Widen's work today, Deb is walking and standing much more erect. Her back pain is much less.

An added benefit was that when I gave her a kiss of greeting this evening, she was taller and I did not have to bend over so far, which is a great relief for a tall guy like me! ;)



  1. Hi Vern & Deb,
    This trip home has been very productive so far. A great new sunroom, baby-sitting the grandchild, fellowship with friends and family. Life seems to be taking on a sense of normal-ness again. Not the normal you once knew but a new kind of normal. I am observing that even in the midst of a life crisis for your family, there is a theme of joyous celebration. God is so very good!
    ♥Bruce & Daria

  2. I love reading posts like this one :)
