Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weds am-Unconditional love

Deb had spaghetti for supper, breakfast, and has just started a mid-morning snack of...spaghetti! She was apologetic about being so hungry but I assured her that she has been on a med-based involuntary diet and lost much weight and should eat all she wants to. If I were vain, I could have claimed it was my cooking...NOT!

Getting labs this morning we were sitting with David, a 36 year old high school teacher from Buffalo, NY. David was engaged last Nov 20th  for a huge planned wedding in August. In March he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. His bride to be suggested that they have a small family wedding so they could use their money and time on medical treatments. They had some local Buffalo treatments then came here for better results. His kidneys have been failing so he has to schedule chemo around his dialysis treatments. It's a complicated process.

David said his own family never demonstrated unconditional love so he had never seen it until his bride-to-be carried thru with their marriage even though he spent the week before and after their more-simple wedding in the hospital. Her love continues as she is now the caregiver for him. He was so overwhelmed by her unconditional love that he was just sitting there marveling over it in our small group.

What a powerful thing he was talking about. Have you ever had someone show unconditional love to you? Have you ever shown unconditional love to someone else? What would the world be like if more people demonstrated this kind of love? How many broken people could be restored and healed with more unconditional love! What do you think?


  1. reigns amidst all the pain and the procedures. Yes, unconditional love...
    extend what has been extended to us. Thanks, Daddy. Thanks for sharing, Vern.
    Hugs & prayers, Em

  2. What a precious gift unconditional love is. Heaven forbid we should get what we deserve! When you receive unconditional love, you truly know you are loved and valued as a person. When you show unconditional love toward another, it is an extension of our Father's love.
    I am so glad you are participating in a small group. Sharing information with others who are in a similar situation to your own can be very therapeutic. And you can learn so much from each other.
    ♥Bruce & Daria

  3. this brought tears to my eyes. Wow! Imagine how it demonstrates christ looking at us in our condition.

    Good to catch up again.
    Mary Thomp.

  4. I've always been so blessed that it's a bit of a shock that the way I was raised and cared for is not necessarily what others have experienced. Yes, unconditional love is powerful, and rarely goes unnoticed :)
