Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bag Gone!

Today Deb completed the chemo infusion thru the take-everywhere 'bag.' It had two electric pumps and contained two large bags of chemo. It pumped 24x7. Each bag was about 1.5 quarts. She also completed a number of pills and home chemo pills. Now we are gliding into full effects of all the various pills and chemos and the destruction of Deb's immune system to be measured by the daily white blood count. (See previous on neutropenia)

Since she is headed downhill and we have the car here, we left the hospital and drove out to the west end of town. We ate an 'Arkansas Burger' and went looking for several bead stores. Deb makes jewelry out of semi-precious stones. Although she cannot make anything because of her shaky hands and fatigue, she can still look. And look she did!

In the next few days she will have neither the desire nor ability to get out in public. That's the way chemo is!

1 comment:

  1. Debbie, we are praying for this next phase. Your grandbaby is a DOLL! Love those eyes!

    Love, Y
