Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday afternoon

Today started out well enough...then went down hill. Deb has been feeling more and more able to care for some of her own needs.  For example, she peeled several pieces of fruit the past few days. She has been able to get several glasses of water for herself. This morning, after I told her the labs were on our  floor several rooms away, she said she thought she could go by herself. So, I stayed in the room while she took herself to labs. My thoughts are that she will feel better about life and herself the more independent she can be. Isn't personal independence almost a definition of normal life? Especially in caring for one's own body needs?

We had a long wait in the clinic and as we were leaving the new clinic, every fire engine and cop in town showed up ....sirens wailing! We almost got stuck in the traffic. After I fed Deb lunch, I left in the car to run a few errands. While out, Deb got very sick and called me back. She has felt bad all afternoon.

Lab results showed an peculiar item today. Because of the chemo, Deb's white blood cell count has been cratering. However, she got her first painful growth factor shot yesterday right in the most tender spot of her tummy, which drove her white blood count way up today. Weird! The nurse assured us this was normal and that the counts would head back down...way down close to zero. So that's where we are headed! Close to zero!

Beware of nurses bearing dull needles!


1 comment:

  1. Praying for strength and endurance.
    ...and healing.
    During our neutropenic times, I would find myself praying just to make it through the day with no infections! And also I would pray that that growth hormone would mass produce those white cells! I would feel so vulnerable during that time...
    It is amazing how you can go about your whole life not really thinking about white or red blood cells or platelets and then be praying like no one's business that you would just have some...

    Have mercy, Lord.
    May HIs glory be shown through your situation and life.
