Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday morning-Back in Arkansas!

We arrived at Falcon Field this morning and were greeted by a small host of friends and family who helped us load Gracie for the trip out to Arkansas. It is so wonderful to do life with others instead of as a lone ranger!

The weather was good and you prayer angels were successful in praying up a tailwind on the west bound leg. That is very unusual! Normally the prevailing winds are from the West, not the East! So, 2:20 or  so enroute in fairly smooth air.

Thanks again for pilot angel Jon Abarr riding out with us and flying Gracie back to her hangar-home.

Charles, the owner of the limo service met us and soon had us back at the Markham House. We are in room 205 where we stayed before and they had our three stored boxes waiting in  the room along with the small recliner that Deb needs. The AC was turned down and suddenly,  it felt familiar and our home away from home.

Our boys are planning on joining us out here for  a few days.

We are so grateful for the individuals at home and here who make this ordeal less trying and much more bearable. Thanks all!

So, we are in Little Rock and have our first appointment at 6:30 am tomorrow. We have tests every day this week and a Dr consult Friday. Saturday starts chemo.

Thanks to Emma Ross for these pix!

Blessings all!

Vern and Deb

1 comment:

  1. The time at home goes by too fast!
    I can't believe you are already back.
    Praying, praying, praying.
    Especially for peace and endurance. (This corresponding time for us was hard - we had been through enough "rounds" to know what to expect -well, sort of....and hard in and of itself - but we still couldn't see the end of the tunnel.)
    Your life becomes about waiting....praying...trying to make it through the day...hoping that tomorrow will be better...
    One tomorrow in the future WILL certainly be better. I promise.
