Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weds am-PET Scan

We left the hotel at 6:15 am. One of the PET camera systems was down so it took a while. Deb had been fasting since supper.

Because radiation is involved in the process, all the doors are powered and are extremely massive and heavy.

Deb and I sat in a small room. Her blood sugar was tested. Then they brought in a small heavy canister that contained a small shot needle that had radioactive shot within a metal shield. Mostly they are protecting the staff who deal with this stuff everyday.
This test works by fasting to get blood sugar down, then injecting a radioactive sugar. The cancer is 'rude' and grabs all the fresh sugar which means the test can 'see' the areas where the radioactive sugar congregates.

Afterward we ran into Iva Jo and Bubba in the waiting room. Just like Deb, she had back pain in the 2.5 weeks they were home in Mississippi.

Then...on to  the first visit in the new cancer center.

But, details on that will be in the next blog.


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