Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday mid day

Deb is still in the chair getting meds and fluids. Her labs today were surprisingly good. Her white blood count went up around 1.5 and her CRP went down. If this continues we may get to come home a few days early. Of course, we may not: many things can happen here in the course of a few hours.

I looked out the window a few minutes ago and saw a formation of prop driven fighter planes flying by. There is an open house/airshow at Little Rock Air Force base this weekend.

Deb just turned red in the face, asked me if she had a fever, and the nurse said it was the magnesium iv which causes flushing when given fast,which is concentrated in the bottom of an iv bag.

She is ok now that she understands.


  1. Airshow here in Peachtree City this weekend, too. Wish Vern (and Deb, of course!) and my brother Joe were here to enjoy it. Maybe NEXT October!

  2. Love to hear your great news! The prayers never stop!
    Kim Green

  3. I tried twice on Wed. to write posts and somehow erased them both.I was rejoicing in your good news and encouraging Vern to keep those blogs coming. Our group ate dinner together on Tues. night before classes, and we were missing you guys and discussing the lastest blog postings and speculating about when you might be back in PTC again. We do MISS you! But we are very thankful for the care you are receiving and blessed by hearing about the relationships you are making and enjoying hearing about things you are learning. Hugs, jan

  4. Deb: I am very glad for your good report and that you are feeling like eating again. That is pretty hard sometimes. Thank you, Lord, for helping Deb and Vern to see your love and care during this time. You are giving each person the courage to endure and to have faith as they see your dependence on the Lord. Thank you for allowing us to share your journey as you take each day at a time. I am praying for your strength, your good medical reports, and your great closeness to the Lord. Deb Cook
