Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday evening excitement

Deb came home from the clinic with a 0.11 white blood  count.  She is very vulnerable to an evil germ. So, last night I made her a nice clean supper. I washed a stack of dishes, pots, and pans. We watched some TV and eventually we were ready to go to bed. Deb went to the bathroom and called me to 'come there quickly; the sort of thing she does when she spies a bug. Her response sounded as if the bug were at least a foot long, so I ran. Instead of a bug, I found both bathroom 'sinks full of stinks'! Then I checked the kitchen sink:ditto.

So, it's bedtime, Deb is not able to tolerate a single germ, and our apartment has just been invaded by an army of germs.

I went down to the office, and the on duty attendant is on her first week on the job, and I present her with an imperative that we must be moved NOW.

So, grabbing only necessities, off we went to a new room.

Loving photography, I took pix of the sinks. In a rare display of discretion  though, I will NOT publish them.


  1. We all enjoy your photography but are thankful that you are not sharing these. Our prayers remain with you.

  2. Thanks for letting our imaginations work without having to look at the sink pictures! Mary Roberts
