Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weds evening-unusual classmate

Deb finished a hard day of fasting and testing. We got the hotel shuttle directly from the hospital to her favored restaurant for supper. She was whipped!

While waiting for her today I met a classmate from South Carolina. He looked forty something and is an unusual myeloma patient. He is an identical twin. His twin brother donated 168 million stem cells yesterday. He gets a transplant tomorrow from his twin. He said the docs are interested to see the results since his 'twin's stem cells have not been damaged by the cancer.'

Remember, this is a research hospital!

Never a dull day around here.

Be sure to read the prior post from today. Click on the right side column to see it and other posts.


  1. Dear Deb and Vern,
    We are here thinking of you with great Love.
    David & Linda

  2. Hi Vern & Deb,
    Very interesting info about the patient receiving a stem cell transplant from his twin. I remember a lady I met who had a bone marrow transplant (for leukemia) from her twin and she did remarkably well with less side effects than other people experienced. Also interesting info from the UGA vet---an amazing difference in protocols. I am so thankful that Deb is getting the treatment in Arkansas. Continuing prayers are being aimed in your direction.
    ♥Bruce & Daria
