Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday evening contest

Why can't we have a little fun here to dilute the somber nature of our blog? See contest below.


Saturday starts a very intense 4 days. We get another painful sample of hip bone and marrow first thing in the morning.Reminds me of the 'get a pound of flesh' sayings. The we get a portable chemo machine plumbed in that we carry. Then strong meds.

That's all on top of Deb 'feeling like a dog' already. She really began dragging this afternoon. We got the van driver to take us to his favorite little steak house for only our third visit to a restaurant in Little Rock in all these weeks. I wanted to get Deb some red meat to get her blood up. She was marginal in tests earlier. She managed to eat about 3 oz. of steak and that was about all she could do. I brought her home and got her down for a nap. She is so tired and it's only going to get worse.

This morning we had a little fun and picked out a hat to get her thru the coming days of hair loss and being unable to shower or wash her hair. She chose a sparkly bold bright orange hat that matches nothing.

So, let's have a 'name the hat' and 'name the angel pin' contest. Please submit any entries below. If there is a reason for your suggestion write down also. When Deb is up to it, she can chose a winner. Everyone please submit your entry below.


  1. Hi ! Only have a minute right now, but we wanted to submit our entries into the "Name the Hat Contest'
    Tim.......chevy.....'cause it reminds me of the orange van that I had as a teenager....a
    chevy too by the way. love you to ya' soon. Tim

  2. Luscious Mango!! I know Christian comedian Torry Martin from my trips to the Florida Christian Writer's Conference. He tells the story of finding gray strands in his red head. He wanted to cover the gray so he got hair coloring called "Luscious Mango" . .. well, turns out the laugh was on him. That's what color the hat reminds me of. To see his real hair color go to

  3. Wow, what a challenge. Living in the "Upstate" surrounded by Clemson Tiger fans the "Tiger" name quickly cam to mind for the headgear. Taking it a step furher, for some reason either Flying or Fighting seems appropriate ... may I suggest "Fighting Tiger" for the hat. There are many angel names that would be fitting for the pin, but "Vernon" has to be the angel's name, for Vern is performing the mission of an angel and is the closest thing to Deb's heart. Praying for you! Bruce

  4. No creative names from me. :-) But I am reading your updates and have to say that of all of the testings that I had done - wow! 17 yrs. ago, the bone morrow biopsy was unbelievably the most painful. Can't imagine having that done more than once a lifetime. I'm praying for both of you in different ways... Keep fighting. Praying for peaceful rest tonight. I know you are both going to minister to people even in your painful situation. Praying.....
    Kim Green

  5. As Vern knows Orange is my favorite color. The
    RV-8 will be Orange and Silver. But the name
    "Nightmare II" is not suited to such a great
    Lady as Deb. So I will pass on the name.

  6. Deb, I love the hat. Great choice and you look great in it. Possible Hat Name-Sunshine Dome; Possible Angel Name-Ray of Hope. Thanks for keeping us all updated. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. Tim & Brenda McIntyreMay 15, 2010 at 1:39 PM

    Tim and I 2nd and 3rd the angel name Vernon, or maybe even Vernon Ray for the Ray of Hope, also :)

  8. Being a BIG Tennessee Volunteer van, the orange hat has to be called "NOT Volunteering for this".
    The angel is definitely "Darley's Hope". I pray that things are better today. Love you, Jackie

  9. The hat is such a wonderful choice. Beautiful! A lady with pazazz! 'Orange I fine!?' is the hat name I'm suggesting. But, I hope we are not limited to one suggestion. There may be more ideas that come to mind.
    The angel name of Vernon Ray is a great suggestion.
    Sending love, hugs, and prayers from the highest point in this state!!! (S'pose Abba hears me better from waaay up here? :)

  10. Okay, Bruce says the hat looks like a pumpkin to him and the jewels look like frost to me, so our hat name is "Frosty Punkin". And for obvious reasons, our angel name is "Faith".
    ♥Bruce & Daria

  11. Nate came up with two names for the hat....Her majesty's resplendent diadem or dazzledora-portmanteau of "dazzle" and "fedora"...amberly

  12. SO many good suggestions.... Here are mine:
    For the hat.... "Orange" you glad this isn't your hat?.....

    For the angel - I love "Vernon Ray" too... I was thinking of the cute little angel in my favorite movie "It's A Wonderful Life" - Clarence was his name.

  13. I LOVE the orange hat!! It looks fabulous on you. How about
    Liberachi? He always wore those bling and dazzling clothes!

    The angel should definately be DD ( For deb darley, the most patient angel and teacher of Math 1 !!!!!!)

  14. I think the hat should be named TWINKLES because every time the light shines on it it twinkles just like every time Deb smiles her eyes twinkles and she shines all over.

    Angel of Love because she is surrounded by all that love her.
    Think of you and praying for you. Barbara Hayes
