Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday night

Finally got home. Deb enjoyed supper so I think my job's secure...for now!

She's doing much better after spending 5-6 hours today getting various IV's. It's amazing what meds do.

To all the docs,pharmacists, assistants, and nurses out there...THANKS! We Appreciate you and your ministry of healing and care for us.

I've never spent much time around hospitals and this experience has been eye-opening. Here I've seen a steady stream of hurting people. All day long! Where do they come from?

It really makes me grateful for living in this time in history and for the technologies. I'm so thankful for insurance.

It makes me even more aware of the foundations for good health (or bad) that are laid in our younger days. Of course a 20-30 year old can abuse their body during those younger years. Drugs, alcohol, over-eating, back strains all pay their affects starting in the forties and really getting going in the fifties. That's when so many people start exercising,dieting, reading health books, joining gyms,taking vitamins,etc. If only those in the 20-30 age group would learn, think of the better lives they would live.

Perhaps I've quit preaching and gone to meddling? What do you think?


Deb approved this!


  1. Glad to hear that the meds have kicked in and Deb is allowing you to continue your service. You are not preaching, you are simply stating the facts. Of course when I was younger I wouldn't listen to the old folks warning about health issues caused by my excesses. Hopefully someone will learn from my mistakes. Bruce

  2. Lisa Brickenden / McIntosh HighMay 28, 2010 at 12:09 AM

    Vern, you are such a super guy!! I love your writing and your dedication and love for Deb. I'm keeping up w/her via this blog. She and all of you are in my prayers. Stay strong!
