Saturday, May 8, 2010

Peaceful Saturday-by Deb

Hello, everyone, I know you don't hear from me very often and I am sorry. My brain still seems to be pretty scrambled. Vern told you about Friday's procedures and that my assignment for today was to rest. Just REST. I am so grateful.

Actually Friday I ended up doing a 20-hour fast due to an emergency going in before me. My original time slot was 1:00p.m. but I was the last patient seen for the day. I went in after 6:00pm. When I was taken to pre-op about 2:30 my blood pressure was low and the pre-op nurses really cranked up the IV fluids. That issue could have something to do with the procedure delay. At any rate following the procedure I had to lay completely flat for 2 hours before I could come home. I ate a little in recovery and my blood pressure came back up to its normal range before I left for "home". There is a wheelchair here at the residence inn that I was more than happy to use. So today I have rested.

I can tell a significant difference. I slept in a normal flat bed with a normal pillow last night. I have spent the day between the bed and a recliner in the living room. I can move much better than before. The assignment for tomorrow is rest again. How can this be? But, you will not hear me complaining about it.

I see Dr. Nair around noon on Monday. I have a lot of unanswered questions and the blood pressure issue is one of them. His designated topic is the stem cell production and harvest. Later Monday afternoon I have this triple IV line installed so I can start chemo on Tuesday. I guess that marks the real beginning of the war.

BTW, I am allergic to adhesives. The patches I use for pain leave me burned. I have a clear water blister in the one little space the nurse was unable to protect with paper tape before she put on the clear adhesive cover to protect the open port. There will be some type of protection that is to stay on my skin as long as the IV system is in place. Please pray there will be an alternative covering since it will be on for at least 3 weeks.

I am so grateful to finally be about to medically address the cancer. I appreciate your prayers for its effectiveness and my ability to tolerate the medication. I would love to be able to tolerate the chemo without getting sick. God alone knows and He will be with me regardless.

Much love to you all. Thank you for all the cards and "goodies" arriving at our door in Arkansas.


Addendum by Vern

Infection becomes enemy number one. With multiple entry points on Deb's spine and a port on her right shoulder that has a tube into the vein right above her heart, and on Monday getting a triple port on her left shoulder area, Deb is vulnerable to infections. That's one reason the tratments are done out-patient; so we can isolate ourselves in this little apartment. I have all sorts of antibiotic cleansers and stuff here to clean up our personal space. So,pray we will successfully protect Deb from infections as the treatments are about to kill her immune system.


  1. What a beautiful baby girl! I know you all are proud.
    I would like to bring you a meal when you return home. I will stay tuned to see when that might be. I pray for you daily.

  2. Praying for you today - Happy Mother' Day!! Your first granddaughter must add much joy to today - those photos are just precious. Thanks for the updates - Hope today is your best day yet - Cindy Johnson

  3. Yes - we invested in endless supplies of hand sanitizer!
    Stuart's immune system as shot, although they gave him Neulasta in between treatments which MAKES your white blood cells multiply like crazy. He did get a bad infection after round 4...we spent an extra 7 days in the hospital for that and they had to take his port out. Two weeks later he had to go in a get a new port on the other side so they could start chemo.
    This is a rough journey. But....we are living proof that you make it through (although it sometimes feels impossible in the midst of it).

  4. Praying for you tonight and for what you have ahead of you by day. So thankful you had a little surprise for Mother's Day.

    Kim Green
