Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday mid morning-Who is that masked woman?

Deb's white blood count is now below 2.o and her immune system is on it's way down close to zero. She has to be super careful about infection. We had to get another type mask that is tighter fitting and rated for little bugs. We had labs, growth hormone shots, other meds this am, meet with Dr. Nair at 1pm, then more shots at 4 pm.

We had a full waiting room of classmates this morning while the staff was having their staff meeting. Lots of chit-chat and how goes it. Our Jewish brother was settled in reading his Old Testament in Hebrew as many Christians were reading their Bibles. Faith is a common topic among those facing their mortality. Why do we wait until then? God desires our fellowship throughout our lives.

The last picture is of the embroidery lady ministering to Deb yesterday.


  1. Deb,
    Isn't it good to know that God goes before us and orders our steps? Sometimes we have to go out on a limb where we have never been before, and God goes out on the limb first. Then He turns around and motions for you to come out there with Him. (Isaiah 41:13)
    Love and prayers,
    ♥Bruce and Daria

  2. The masks!
    Those masks are bittersweet. They keep you from harm, but are so annoying - making it hard to breathe!
    Praying for no infections.

  3. Jewish man is kind of the way I pictured him.
    I'm posting the last blog with pictures on my kitchen wall where I had the last one.

    Blogs might not be good for much from what I hear but in a case like this they are great.

    had our Supper 7 we call ourselves or magnificent Seven here last night. Cordreys, Bontragers and Ann Sodermen. Don't know how we got started together. it just seemed to happen. For Harold it is a highlight. he sleeps most of his days but for this evening he comes alive. We don't have any big formate or anything. it is all sort of a happening.

    Ann;'s nephew Kevin is moving in with her for the summer. she has really been a friend. she made this rice with jalapeno cheese in it for us and has made it everyweek for Harold since. I don't eat it. He is thriving on it.

    I'm getting sort of personal so think I will write a letter as an A priority or go to e-mail.

    Hope Deb is up to trivia and non trivia.

    mary t. and Big Tom(Harold)
