Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday Morning-Mother's day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! What a role you play in our lives! Amen?

This morning when Deb awoke there was a surprise awaiting her in a pretty red bag. She was really surprised because we are always together and she couldn't figure out how I got it here. That's a husband's secret.Shssss!

I fixed her a queen's breakfast of bagel,cream cheese, strawberry jam, apple juice, Canadian bacon, and a banana. She doesn't have much of an appetite, so it takes a while for her to pick at it and get it down. Her anemia needs to be fed!

Mobility has increased since Fri night back surgery.She can get around better (still using the walker). This morning her pain areas were arm bones and breast bone. My theory is that as the worst pain areas are dealt with (i.e. her back), other lessor pain areas will become evident to her.

Lunch today will be the other half of what I cooked for her yesterday, which was ground chuck patties, organic corn on the cob,organic salad, organic squash and onions. It's design was to again feed the anemia as well as taste good. Fresh always tastes good, don't 'cha think?

We have a tiny little kitchen area with 2 burners , a small sink, and a frig. But, it's all we need! The Kroger is accessed by the hotel van.

Deb is napping right now and I have several loads of laundry going. The coin machines are one floor below us but clean and convenient.

It's really a simple life here with a few suitcases of clothes. It allows us much talking, praying, reading time together. We pray blessings on each of you as well as specific prayers for those we have specifics known to pray for. TV has hardly been on at all. Mostly quiet peaceful solitude.

Deb would like to write more but her 'brain is fuzzy', so my role is scribe for now.

Blessings all!



  1. Hppy Mother's Day, Deb. Have a lovely day of rest.
    We are thinking of you and Vern.
    Love, David and Linda

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Deb: I am very glad you are feeling better. That beautiful gift you received looks lovely. When did Vern get it, ha! ha!

    I am just thanking the Lord that you and Vern are having this time together and that you both are depending upon the Lord.

    Love in Christ, Deb Cook
