Friday, May 21, 2010


We had an early am appt, an afternoon appt., and an evening procedure tonight. It's a busy day and Deb is absolutely as miserable and in as much pain as I can remember since labor and delivery.

I had a consult with a pharmacist to ensure I had a right understanding of the meds. This afternoon the nurse gave me a short training session on an emergency IV for the coming week as Deb's immune system is diminishing and she is so vulnerable to infections. She is wearing the mask out of our apt. and we are isolating ourselves as much as possible. The emergency kit includes a checklist, the on-call doctors number, and a bottle of meds that I would hook up to her port. Pray that it is not needed!

It's about 6 pm and we have to go back to the hospital in :30 minutes.

Tomorrow and Sunday we have 8 am and 4 pm appointments. We see Dr Nair again next Friday.One day rolls into another. If you ever saw the classic movie 'How the West was Won" think of the song 'Endless Prairie".

Here is a picture of Deb and today's driver Antoinne. You might remember we mentioned him in an earlier post.

A lady asked him his shoe size:18 he said.

One of the cool things here on campus is the IT capability. They mostly use a network of thin clients and servers keep each patient's data online from any building. The medical records are comprehensive and impressive.

The physical facilities are also impressive. A new cancer center is opening in August. The area we spend most of our time in will be moved to the new building.

1 comment:

  1. antonnie , what big hands you have. maybe it is because Deb is shorter. Looks like he could pick her up easy. thank You God. probably could pick you both up at the same time and sling you into the bus or bed.

    Mary T.
