Sunday, May 16, 2010

Too funny to pass up

Evelyn Sky Darley, III

That's what Trey said the Europeans insisted be the name on newborn Evelyn's birth certificate. Trey said it took the most impassioned French he could muster to convince the bureaucrats that just because he was the third {hence his name 'Trey'} and it followed his sur nane, it was incorrect to force that moniker onto little Evelyn.

Fortunately, he prevailed and Evelyn is still an original!

Vernon O. Darley,II and proud of it!


  1. How funny! And how great that you have something to chuckle about!!

  2. Here i am nearly 1AM working on a computer glitch and trying to be successful at posting a comment. vern your openness has touched my heart and I have quoted you several times on the lonliness in our lives today as a nation. Feeling like falling off the planet and not being missed. My teenage grandchildren seemed to understand what you were saying. I did. I've read all your posts.
    At times I could feel tears well up as I identified with you and Deb and even hurt for the Jewish man in the laundrey room.

    Well I remember walking in the hospital feeling real down and coming upon another family member in the elevator and suddenly they, this stanger, could see right into me and I into them. there were no walls, no pretending and suddenly it was alright . . .the pain and all.

    I recall one night harold could not speak in sentences. I lay on a cot by his bed. he raised up , looked over at me, spoke his gibberish and smiled, then waved. i waved back and all was well between us. My how many moments you are having. How they are touching you so deeply and you are giving us the gift of snap shots in words.

    Thank You Vern and Deb
