Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday evening

Deb had a special sonogram of her legs before chemo change this afternoon. They are looking for possible reasons for her feet to swell (I've always thought her feet were swell!) and they were looking for clots starting in the legs. At 8 am in the morning they will do the arms. Since we still had time available when the legs were done we asked the technician to do the arms today and be done with us. She replied that she could not because the insurance would not pay unless it was a separate appointment.

When we got home and got Deb settled in, I started the laundry. My elderly Jewish bud saw me and got me to help him with his. He needs a helper. He started his treatments when Deb did but is alone. He has four grown children. He was expressing frustration for having helped his kids with 1.5 million in houses, taxes,etc (behind the scenes invisible help) but the kid's in-laws have spent a few thousand (highly visible) helps like summer camps, toys, and they are the favorite grandparents. The we talked about Auschwitz, Hitler, the nature of war. Then he mis-quoted Solomon and we discussed that. Then we talked ten dollars he thinks the maid stole which he does not begrudge her since she is poor, but hates thieves who steal luxury items.

Deb enjoyed her mail and really lights up when it arrives.

Blessings all!



  1. Hi Vern and Deb!! I am thinking of you especially this evening. We are doing our schedules for next year and just when Mr.Lane and I thought they were PERFECT.... A monkey wrench got thrown in!! So, back to the drawing board we go! The IEP season just ended, you were lucky to have missed all those meetings. Our seniors last day will be tomorrow, I will miss them, they are a unique group! Mostly I miss your smiling face and hearty laugh. I keep looking in room 99 for you, hoping that you might appear! At least it still feels like you and that is a good thing! Take care my sweet friend.. Love you, hurry home! Mia

  2. Vern: You and Deb are SWELL (feet and all)! I can't help but believe that some of the people you and Deb take the time to interact with in Arkansas may be finding you in heaven, saying, "Thank you so much for showing us Jesus is such a dark time!" Let us know how the tests come out. A little more to go, and then you get to take her home to rest a spell and let all this medicine stuff do its thing! God will strengthen you. Our verse during John's brain tumor was Nahum 1:7--"The LORD is good, a STRONGHOLD in the day of trouble, and HE knows those who take refuge in Him." Love you guys and we are praying! Barbara (and John)

  3. Deb: I am glad we talked. You sound like the "old Deb" to me. You were always funny and upbeat. It was fun to see you at "Dodo's" class.

    Yep, I called him. He has such a wry sense of humor. I couldn't get him mad to save my life. He was just something else.

    Your relationship with the Lord just inspires me. You and Vern are just wonderful.

    Vern, thanks for the heads up on the email @ instead of at. I thought something was wrong there.

    LOve in Christ, Deb C.

  4. Hi Vern & Deb,
    I love hearing about the other people you come in contact with in your facility. I am reminded of a time in my life when I was at a similar facility with Mark. As bad as our situation seemed, we were always meeting other people whose situations were worse. I read a lot about Helen Keller. She said,"Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain." So God has ministry for you to do wherever you go. Consider yourselves "medical missionaries" in the Arkansas mission field.
    Love and constant prayers,
    ♥Bruce & Daria
