Sunday, May 9, 2010

Staying in Touch-by Deb

I trust you are having a wonderful Mother's Day. Vern really did surprise me with the gift. A book in the red gift bag and a couple of emails I got earlier today prompt my comments.

As I said Vern gave me a variety of really fun books. Friends to the End is a book of animal pictures and comments about the value of friendship. You smile, laugh, and wonder at the insight and how he ever got those pictures. It is a great page-turner gift book by Bradley Trevor Greive (who also wrote The Blue Day Book).

I got an email from a friend who was stranded in an airport in Europe due to this last ash "attack". She kindly asked me if I wanted to know the mundane details of her life since she thought I was in such a difficult situation by comparison. My answer to her was yes, of course I do.

It really made me think.

First I am out here in Arkansas and will completely lose track of what is going on in the lives of family and friends if you don't tell me. Without knowing what is happening to you my world is pretty limited to Vern, myself, and this thing. That's a pretty small world and it makes the THING way too big. I appreciate the emails and posts from all of you. Reconnecting with people is always wonderful to me. Your concern and care for us is humbling. I treasure every contact and all the prayers for us. Please feel free to tell me details about you. I can pray for you as you are praying for me.

Finally, I got a couple of breezy emails from friends just talking about stuff and I realized how important the mundane stuff of life really is. In fact it is life most of the time.

Right now I am about to start what feels like a big battle, I hope one day I am back with a lot more mundane stuff in my life.

I love you guys so much.
Much love. Deb

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day! Prayers are with you from my team and kiddos! Heather Kilmer
