Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday morning

Deb had a good night. Fever is way down.still coughing like a banshee.


  1. Praise the Lord!! That tasty breakfast will give her strenght. You both are much loved and are in my prayers as I check the blog for updates many times a day. Mary Roberts

  2. Larry and Michelle GillespieMay 31, 2010 at 10:37 AM

    Like the "do" Deb. Nice job Vern. Michelle has been giving me my "high and tights" for years. Great to hear the fever is breaking big. Hope to see you finish this round with all the squares checked.
    Praying more specifically for ya'll. Thanks for the updates. Your home is peaceful and in good order. Look forward to seeing you back home for a while. Our thoughts and prayers are of you everyday.
    With love and understanding,
    Larry & Michelle

  3. Praise God for a good night! I am believing for everything to proceed as schedules!
    Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
    When I am weak, then I am strong. (In HIs strength.)
    Love you, Lisa

  4. Dear Vern and Deb,
    Love the News and Praise God for the watch angels in the Watch Towers over you both. Will continue to pray and watch.
    Love Chawol and David

  5. PTL.......the healing processs continues....Love, David and linda

  6. Deb, I didn't know you could look soooo sophisticated. I'm intimidated. Wow!!! YOu are making it.

    Glad you are feeling better. Forward.

    mary T.
